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This page explains how to get a PIN code from your inventory extracted.


/inventory/{id}/pinReturns a PIN code (string) from the computer's inventory by computer idGET
/inventory/{computername}/pinReturns a PIN code (string) from computer's inventory by computer nameGET
Note that the prefix of urls above depend on which data center you belong to. Please log in to see the full url.


apikeyYour apikey listed in your settings to retrieve the dataint


Filters can be supplied either as URL parameters or headers.

pintypeChallenge = get a PIN2 based on PIN1 value. UninstallPIN = an uninstall PIN code. The default is challengestring
pin1If PIN type is Challenge, you must specify a 6 digit PIN1string
  • Example: /inventory/win10test04/pin?pintype=challenge&pin1=123456
  • The return type is always a single string